These Guidelines are based on Health Guidelines For Personal Care And Body Art Industries published by the Victorian Government Department of Human Services.
The purpose of this guide is to provide general advice on the minimum standards required for construction of premises eligible for registration under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. Applicants are advised to consult the Health Guidelines For Personal Care And Body Art Industries for further information.
Fit-out Approval
Anyone wishing to construct a new beauty, hair or health premises (also referred to as personal care or body art business) in the City of Stonnington must first obtain approval for the proposed premises design and fit-out from Council’s Public Health team prior to construction.
Two sets of draftsman standard plans, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:100 must be submitted to the Public Health team. These plans must show the premises layout, fixtures, fittings and equipment. A description of materials to be used for all surface finishes, walls, floors and bench tops must also be provided. Plans must be accompanied by an Application for Fit-out Approval Form.
The applicant must also obtain relevant Statutory Planning and Building approval prior to submitting plans to the Public Health team.
A person conducting a beauty, hair or health business must register such premises with Council under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. Registration must be renewed annually. Premises conducting hairdressing and make-up services only may be eligible to apply for a one-off or ongoing registration.
Contact us
City of Stonnington
Public Health
311 Glenferrie Street
Malvern 3181
03 8290 3393
1.1. The premises should be designed and constructed to promote good hygiene practices.
1.2. The cleaning area should be designed to ensure movement of instruments/equipment in a one-way direction from dirty to clean to sterile areas.
1.3. The construction and finishing of all surfaces and fittings must be completed in a professional, workman-like manner.
1.4. The area of client procedure rooms/cubicles should be no less than 2.5 metres square.
1.5. The premises should be planned to provide separate function-specific client areas and cleaning/sterilising areas.
2.1. Equipment, furniture, and fittings should be purpose-built or purchased specifically for the task to be performed.
2.2. They should be durable, safe and suitable for cleaning and maintenance, and constructed of sealed, nonporous material.
2.3. The premises should have sufficient bench space for good working practices.
3.1. Floors in treatment and cleaning areas should be smooth, durable and readily cleanable.
3.2. An appropriate splashback should be provided behind plumbing fixtures.
4.1. A hand basin with hot and cold running water supplied through a single outlet, liquid soap and paper towels is to be provided in the procedure room/cubicle.
4.2. In addition to a hand basin in the procedure room/cubicle there should be a hand basin in the cleaning area.
4.3. Where skin penetration procedures are performed, the hand basin is to be hands free (for example, foot operated, electronically controlled or knee operated).
4.4. Elbow operated taps are not permitted
4.5. In establishments where hairdressing only takes place, a hair washing basin with hot and cold running water supplied through a single outlet can also be used for washing hands.
5.1. A separate sink with hot and cold running water supplied through a single outlet (hot water not less than 70°C) must be provided for instrument and equipment washing.
6.1. Plumbing must conform with the requirements of the Plumbing Industry Commission (Victoria) and Standards Australia.
7.1. Only a steriliser able to achieve the specific sterilisation cycle parameters (time/temperature/pressure) should be used.
7.2. The following equipment will not sterilise items, and must not be used for this purpose:
- microwave ovens
- pressure cookers
- incubators
- ultraviolet cabinets
- boiling water units
- ultrasonic cleaners
- household ovens
- other similar units, such as pie warmers
- dishwashers
- glass (heat) bead sterilisers.
7.3. Sterilisers without a drying cycle must not be used for packaged items, but sterilisers with a drying cycle can be used.
7.4. Sterilisers should have a sterilisation cycle process recorder/printer that monitors cycle parameters because this saves the proprietor/operator time during the sterilisation process.
7.5. If a process recorder printer is not fitted, then every sterilising cycle must be monitored every 10 seconds and the time, pressure and temperature of every cycle must be recorded. Existing sterilisers without process recorder/printers should be upgraded or replaced to ensure automatic parameter (time/temperature/pressure) monitoring.
8.1. Clean linen and towels must be used for each client. Disposable paper towel, paper strips or clean linen are recommended and must be changed between clients.
8.2. Soiled linen, towels and protective clothing should be placed in a washable, leak-proof receptacle, and laundered using hot water (70–80ºC) and detergent.
9.1. Adequate storage space must be provided for:
- equipment
- clean linen
- staff belongings.
9.2. Equipment such as brushes, combs, tweezers etc. should be stored clean and dry state, in a lidded container.
9.3. Storage of equipment in disinfecting solutions does not provide effective disinfection, and in fact can promote the spread of infection. This practice should be discontinued.
9.4. All sterilised packaged items should be stored in a way that will prevent contamination and damage to packaging. Storage may be in cupboards with close-fitting doors and smooth washable surfaces, or in washable plastic containers with close-fitting lids.
10.1. Clinical and related waste, such as blood-stained swabs, cotton wool and gloves, must be placed into a plastic bag-lined washable bin with a close-fitting lid marked ‘infectious waste’, and disposed of according to Environmental Protection Authority requirements.
11.1. A sharps containers that complies with AS 4031:1992 must be provided for the disposal of sharp objects such as razor blades, needles, and stylets. Sharps are considered clinical waste.
11.2. Suitable sharps containers are rigid-walled, puncture-proof containers with tight-fitting lids that prevent sharp objects from injuring another person.
11.3. Sharps containers should be placed a minimum of one metre above floor level, out of the reach of children.
12.1. All general waste, such as papers and powdered pigments, should be placed into a plastic bag-lined washable bin with a close-fitting lid marked ‘general'.
- Health Guidelines for Personal Care and Body Art Industries, Victorian Government Publishing Service. State of Victoria 2004
- Australian Standard/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZS) 3500.1:2003
- Plumbing and drainage – Water services
- AS/NZS 3500.2:2003 Plumbing and drainage – Sanitary plumbing and drainage
- AS/NZS 3500.4:2003 Plumbing and drainage – Heated water services