Microchipping and desexing your pet

Microchipping your pet

You will need to microchip your cat or dog and register it with City of Stonnington when it turns three months old.

A microchip provides permanent identification of your pet. The chip is the size of a grain of salt and is inserted between your pet's shoulder blades.

You can arrange for your pet to be microchipped by contacting your local vet clinic.

After registering and microchipping your pet, Council will issue a tag that your pet must wear when outside its home.

To help us return your pet quickly and safely if it becomes lost, ensure your Council registration and microchip registry details are up to date.

To find out if your pet's microchip details are up to date:

  • visit the Pet Address website
  • enter your pet’s microchip number
  • contact the registry your pet is listed with
  • check that your contact details are correct.

If you’re unsure of your pet’s microchip number, you can:

  • check your animal registration renewal form
  • contact your local vet clinic or shelter to have your pet scanned.

For more information, visit Animal Welfare Victoria.

View or download our Pet Microchipping brochure(PDF, 49KB).

Desexing your pet

By law, all cats must be desexed unless:

  • the cat is registered for breeding
  • your vet has provided an exemption.

It is not compulsory to desex your dog. However, it is highly recommended, unless your dog is intended for breeding.

Benefits of desexing cats and dogs include:

  • discounted pet registration fees
  • health benefits (reduced risk of your pet getting cancer or other diseases)
  • behavioural improvements (less aggressive, easier to control, less likely to wander or fight, less antisocial or territorial)
  • helping to reduce overpopulation and unwanted litters.

You can request a partial refund of your registration fee if you desex your pet before 10 October each year, or within six months of your initial registration. Visit our pet registration page for more information.