Aged care
On 30 October 2023, Council made the decision to cease delivering the Commonwealth Government funded Commonwealth Home Support Programme (Council’s aged services).
The decision to cease delivering aged services is in response to the Commonwealth Government Aged Care Reforms.
Council’s decision is to exit Aged Services on 30 June 2024.
The Commonwealth Government Aged Care Reform Agenda will deliver a simplified national aged care program that provides older Australians with quality care, choice in providers and easier access to a broad range of services.
Services Council will cease delivering are:
- In-home Care Services: Personal Care, Domestic Assistance, Respite Care, Shopping (from a list)
- Home maintenance (including gardening and gutter cleaning)
- Delivered Meals.
Council will continue to provide community transport services and social support programs for older residents including the Engaged Program.
From 1 July 2024, the Commonwealth Government funded Commonwealth Home Support Programme currently delivered by Council will be delivered by new providers who will be appointed by the Commonwealth Government.
Council’s aged services will work with incoming providers and clients to transition them to new providers, appointed by Commonwealth Government, to ensure continuity of care and services.
Further information about the next steps in this transition are expected in the New Year.
If you have any questions about these changes to your in-home aged care, please call us on 03 8290 3224 or email
Frequently asked questions
What services are you changing?
From 1 July 2024, the City of Stonnington will no longer provide the below services under the Commonwealth Government funded Commonwealth Home Support Program.
- Care services (personal care, domestic assistance, respite care, shopping from a list).
- Home maintenance services (including gardening and gutter cleaning).
- Delivered meals services.
What happens if I’m in one of these services?
City of Stonnington staff will work with you to transition you to a new provider that will be appointed by the Commonwealth Government.
Why have you made this decision?
The Commonwealth Government Aged Care Reform Agenda will deliver a simplified national aged care program that provides older Australians with quality care, choice in providers, and easier access to a broad range of services.
It is no longer viable for the City of Stonnington to continue to provide these services. A number of other Councils have made similar decisions.
We can better focus on the other services we will continue to provide to older people in Stonnington such as:
- Community transport
- Social support programs (including Engaged).
What about your staff?
We’re working with impacted staff at the City of Stonnington to support them.
We will be making sure we give staff the support they need to gain employment with another service provider if this is what they want to do.
Read more about the Aged Care Services Reforms.
Ageing Well Action Plan 2024-27
Older people are integral to our community.
The Ageing Well Action Plan provides a framework to support our older residents to age well and live healthy, fulfilling and meaningful lives according to their own individual choices.
Read the Ageing Well Action Plan 2024-27.
We value our community’s diversity, and are committed to providing safe and inclusive services under the Rainbow Tick standards for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.
Visit the Department of Health and Human Services for general information on COVID-19, translated resources are also available.
For a printable overview of our services, download our handbook(PDF, 2MB), also available in Greek(PDF, 1MB), Italian(PDF, 1MB), Polish(PDF, 1020KB), Russian(PDF, 1MB) and Simplified Chinese(PDF, 1MB).
Contact Us
Office hours: 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
Phone: 03 8290 3224
Email (general enquiries):
Email (confidential LGBTI enquiries):