Getting around Stonnington

Find information to help you plan how you travel around Stonnington - whether by foot, bike, motorised vehicle, public transport or mobility device.

Public transport

Plan your journey on public transport.

Use the PTV Journey Planner to find the best way to get around by tram, train or bus.

Or view the Stonnington local area map for local tram, train or bus routes.

Visit the PTV website for information on accessibility.

Plan your accessible trip

Use our trial mobility map to plan your trip around the Glenferrie Road and High Street precinct. Find information on accessible services and community transport options.

For more information about the trial map, visit Brio Maps, Briometrix privacy commitment and mobility map community consultation.

Accessible map background

The City of Stonnington is committed to doing all we can to make moving around our neighbourhoods and retail precincts as safe as possible for everyone. That's why we engaged an independent mapping consultant, Briometrix, to create and deliver a trial accessible mobility map of the Glenferrie Road and High Street area.

Briometrix's pilots surveyed the area using a combination of lived experience, expertise and sensors attached to their motorised wheelchairs to map the accessibility of the footpath and the location of accessible facilities.

The Briometrix map will be available for the trial period from February to April 2024. Based on the community feedback we receive, we’ll determine how to continue to provide this information beyond the trial period. Information shown on the maps was correct at the time of collection, but local conditions may have changed and the map may contain inaccurate or incomplete information.

Who is the map for?

The map is for community members with limited mobility or who use mobility devices to find the most accessible routes to travel.

This can be someone who uses a wheelchair, motorised mobility scooter, walker, crutches or pushes a pram.

What information does the map include?

The map shows the level of effort needed to travel along the footpath for someone using a mobility device. The effort-based rating considers gradient, surface material, footpath width, obstructions and potential trip hazards.

The map also shows the locations of accessible facilities, such as:

  • toilets
  • changing Places
  • accessible parking
  • business entrances.

What does the level of effort on the map mean?

The map uses colours to indicate the level of effort needed to travel along the footpath for someone using a mobility device.

Areas labelled 'Easy' are considered accessible and easy to travel, areas labelled 'Very difficult' should be used with consideration of alternative routes, and areas labelled 'Caution' should be avoided.

Give your feedback

We would love to hear what you think of the map – has it made it easier for you to travel to and within the mapped area?

Complete a short online survey or visit Stonnington Service Centre.

Community transport services

If it's hard to get public or private transport, you may be able to use our safe, friendly and reliable bus service.

Companion Card

If you need a carer to join community events or activities, you may be able to get a Companion Card.

The Card has a photo of you. You show it when you book or buy a ticket for an event or venue.

You can use the card when you need your carer to help you join in. Organisations that accept Companion Cards will let your carer join for free.


Walking is an easy and sustainable way to get around Stonnington. It's also a great way to stay healthy.

Explore Stonnington's many walking trails or check out our parks, gardens and reserves

You can also join our free Walk and talk Buddies walking group. The group meets on Mondays and Thursdays to explore a new location every week, and welcomes all ages and abilities. Bookings are essential.

Bike riding

You'll find a network of accessible and conveniently located bike trails, paths and designated cycling streets with sharrows across the city. Our bike network includes facilities to rest, store and secure your bike.

Our bike sharrows map(PDF, 230KB)  shows local routes where road markings (sharrows) and speed cushions have been installed defining the street as a shared zone and slowing traffic. More are planned to create a local street bike network across the city.

Ready to get exploring? View maps and routes on our walking trails page.

Lime e-bikes

Renting an e-bike is an easy and sustainable way to get around Stonnington. You’ll find Lime e-bikes in popular areas such as shopping precincts and train stations. The service covers most of Stonnington as well as the neighbouring cities of Melbourne, Port Phillip and Yarra.

Book a Lime e-bike

Book a Lime e-bike via the Lime or Uber app on your smart device. Use the app to locate an e-bike nearby. To book, scan the QR code on the e-bike. You will also have access to safety and parking instructions.

Wear a helmet

Helmets are provided with all Lime e-bikes. You must wear the helmet at all times, or you may receive a fine from Victoria Police.

The same road rules for regular bikes apply to electric bikes.

Parking your e-bike

If you need to park your e-bike, try and lock your e-bike to a public bike rack. If you can’t locate a bike rack, park it next to a kerb and allow at least a 1.5 m distance from any building.

The app will display no-parking areas. If you do park in a non-parking area, you may be charged a penalty by Lime and their staff will need to move the bike.

Riding outside of Stonnington

Lime e-bikes can travel outside of Stonnington into the neighbouring cities of Melbourne, Yarra and Port Phillip. The bikes will power down if you try to travel outside of these areas.

Follow Victorian Road Rules

The e-bikes are designed to travel up to 25 km per hour. When riding an e-bike, ride safely, respect other road users and follow Victorian road rules.

Cleaning and maintenance

Lime e-bikes are charged and maintained every two to three days by Good Cycles.

The e-bikes and helmets are cleaned and sanitised every few days. This includes e-bikes on the street and in the Lime warehouse.

Report a concern

Lime is fully responsible for the operation of the service.

To report any issues, email and include our Transport team in the email so we can help to prevent issues in the future. Our email address is

Alternatively, visit the Lime website to contact Lime directly.

Car share

Car share is a great alternative to owning a car. It removes the expense and hassle of buying and maintaining a car.

Car share is a membership-based service which provides access to conveniently located cars and vans. Vehicles can be rented by the hour or the day. The rental cost includes fuel, maintenance, roadside assistance and regular cleaning. 

Three car share services operate in Stonnington:

Vehicles are generally parked in allocated spaces where they can be collected and returned after use. Car share vehicles can be found in on-street, off-street and private car parks throughout Stonnington, including:

  • Armadale
  • Malvern
  • Malvern East
  • Prahan
  • South Yarra
  • Windsor

For more information or to view car share locations, visit the car share provider's website.

We welcome applications for new, dedicated car share parking spaces and vehicles from car share providers. For more information, visit car share parking for providers.

Car parks and electric vehicle charging

You'll find multi-deck and street level car parks across Stonnington. You'll find electric vehicle chargers at Prahran Square and 290 Glenferrie Road.

To locate a car park or charging station near you, visit car parks in Stonnington.

There are also several electric vehicle chargers in the city that are not operated by the City of Stonnington. Visit PlugShare to find out where. 

Improving transport options

Find out what we're doing to improve transport options in Stonnington.