Get bin day reminders with the MyStonnington app
To get notifications on your next bin day with the MyStonnington app.
Enter your address and enable 'notifications' to know when your next collection is for all bin types. You can also get details on what goes in each bin.
Download the MyStonnington App now on the App Store and Google Play store.

Waste collection calendars
Download a digital copy of our new fortnightly waste collection calendar. They're updated every calendar year.
2025 calendars
To save paper, we will no longer deliver a paper version to each property. However, you can pick up a copy at one of our Customer Service Centres.
Missed bins
If you put your bin out on time but we missed it, you can request a collection for the next day online at report a missed bin.
If your bin was missed and you see a Council sticker on it, you can also find out why at the same link above.
When do I put my bin out?
You need to put your bin out after 3 pm before collection day. The bin needs to be returned to your property on the same day it’s collected.
When you take out your bins for collection, make sure:
- the bin is clean and sanitary
- it’s placed at the front of your property beside the kerb
- it isn’t in the way of footpath or road users
- the bin and contents don’t weigh more than 60kg
- the lid closes
- there’s no waste spilled on the ground around the bin
If you see a bin not following these rules, you can report a bin.
Bin collection on public holidays
Bins are collected on every public holiday if it's on a weekday.